Weaning Your Baby from the Bottle or Breastfeeding

So Tawny, our youngest, turns one in just a couple of weeks and for some reason, I was having a hard time remembering how to wean her from the bottle (or breastfeeding if you are doing that). You would think I would remember having done this twice before but honestly I couldn’t recall. I sat down and did some research and thought I would share it with all of you as well.

Let’s Talk Dental Health

•Let’s talk oral health•

When I took my oldest daughter to the dentist for the first time (she was a year old), I was surprised when her dentist asked me if I brush her teeth after each meal. “No,” I quickly answered. “I brush them in the morning and again in the evening before bedtime.” The first time they asked I was sure they were trying to see if I would be “honest” with my response…almost like they were tricking me with their question. Then I quickly realized they were not. Humph! Mom fail #10,000! Where in the “Kid Manual” does it say that they need to brush their teeth 4-5 times a day???

Top 5 Mom Hacks You MUST Know

Hey listen, I have 3 young kids and not a ton of time, so when I can find an easier way of doing something or a way of doing something that makes life less complicated with a 6.5 year old, a 4 year old and a 10.5 month old, I am ALL for it. I also like sharing these hacks with anyone and everyone to make their mommy and daddy life easier. I have 5 hacks every mom and dad should know about.

Creating Routines for Your Child to Thrive

Life is BUSY…I get it because I am one of those moms that tries to squeeze in something fun, entertaining or educational any free second of the day. In fact, if it weren’t for my 10 month old, we would be on the go all day long. So when I talk to you about routine and schedules, I’m taking my own advice as well…because we all know what’s best for our kids (for the most part) but actually doing it is another story.

Giving Each Child Their Own One-On-One Time

It can be so hard to make sure you are pouring into each child’s attention tank as parents. Oftentimes I find myself spending more time with one or the other or even the opposite of that, not giving either child the one-on-one time they crave. So how do you make sure you are covering your bases and making everyone feel loved like they deserve from their parents?

Getting Into a Solid Routine Once School Starts

Routine…ahhhh…what every kid thrives on. In fact, when we are out of routine, my life feels like utter chaos and I end up a grumpy mess. Some families find comfort when school starts because life has a flow again where over the summer it was more of a stagnant pond (or better yet, crazy hurricane). It is true, kids do better all around when there is some sort of routine to follow. Think about it, the first week of school is all about learning the classroom routine and procedures on how to do things. Why do teachers take the time to do that? It’s because they are setting their year up for success. When kids know what to expect and how to navigate their day, there tends to be less behavioral issues, less chaos in the classroom and less overall misuse of time.

Potty Training 101

Although we are potty trained in our household with two of our three girls, I feel like it is one of those topics every mommy and daddy struggles with. Potty training either goes SLOWLY or your child just “gets it” and is trained in no time. Having trained two little ones (one with ease and one that took some time), I feel I have some tips and tricks that can ease the troubles when learning to go to the restroom at the right time and place.

Discovering Your Child is Different

I still remember the day like it was yesterday. We took our 18-month-old daughter to a behavioral pediatrician to see if she may be on the autism spectrum. She had been showing signs of having autism such as behavioral outbursts, a clingy disposition to myself, and she did strange things like make her bed every day and stack and re-stack books for hours. The knot in my stomach was too big to manage with tears ready and loaded as we waited in the waiting room to be called back. I was extremely nervous at how everything would turn out. It was a three hour test. My 18-month-old threw tantrums every 20 minutes, she wouldn’t allow anyone to…

Keeping Kids Healthy When Germs Seem to Be Inevitable

I am one of those mommas…Yes…the ones who see another child sneeze into their hand and cringe because you know the inevitable is going to happen. You immediately rush your child to the restroom, scrub them down from head to toe and wait…wait…wait for the cold to set in a few days later. Eeek…it gives me the weebie jeebies just typing it.

Being a former teacher, I have a few tricks up my…