I am one of those mommas…Yes…the ones who see another child sneeze into their hand and cringe because you know the inevitable is going to happen. You immediately rush your child to the restroom, scrub them down from head to toe and wait…wait…wait for the cold to set in a few days later. Eeek…it gives me the weebie jeebies just typing it.

Being a former teacher, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep the cold bug and germs at bay when it comes to your littles. I have gained this knowledge from the endless years I struggled to stay “healthy” during the school year of snotty-nosed kindergarteners who made it their job to spread germs like wildfire. In all seriousness, kids have this amazing ability to spread germs and make it their duty to infest others…it is just the nature of the beast so to speak. What I have found may surprise you…because it isn’t quite as crazy as I actually sound in the previous paragraph.


STOP using sanitizer like it may go out of stock. Having germs around can actually be helpful because it allows your body to learn to fight the little buggers off.


Wash hands frequently. Good ole soap and water does the trick and can keep your little healthy and on the road to recovery if they come down with something.


Wash bedding. Keeping the area you rest and recover clean and free of germ infestations can only help to the road of healthful living.

Stay away from kids who are getting sick, are sick or have been sick within the last week. I feel like this is a no-brainer but needs to be mentioned because it is so important. I have a friend who has a little one who is always fighting off some germ…whether a cold, croupy cough, the flu, strep throat, an ear infection, etc. When she brought her child to my house sick for a play date a few weeks back, I was less than thrilled! Number one, I would never take a sick child anywhere to infect other kids; number two, that poor baby needs to be resting with momma at home. I am pretty adamant about this one.

To sum it all up, germs are going to spread, your child is going to get sick at some point, and you too will probably end up fighting it off…but with these tips and tricks, hopefully the road to recovery (or keeping germies at bay) is within reach.


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