It isn’t even that time of year, yet our household is battling strep throat like it may go out of business. First my middle child came down with it, now my oldest and I know it is just a matter of time before the baby is stricken with the fever and chills. Sickness with littles spreads like wildfire and it can be FRUSTRATING as a parent. I know for us, it seems to linger longer than it needs to and is hard to get all the little germs out of the house so we can all mend. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to sanitize the house and make the mending process a bit faster.

  1. Lysol the surfaces! I buy a can of Lysol spray along with the wipes and make sure that I clean diligently once everyone has gone to bed.
  2. Wash hands Frequently! Just washing our hands after bathroom uses seems not quite enough so we make sure to wash, wash, wash throughout the day.
  3. Go to the doctor right when the symptoms begin! Strep throat symptoms, for example, can be greatly reduced by simply getting antibiotics into your system early on in the sickness.
  4. Wash Bedding once the fever has broken! Once your child’s fever breaks, make sure to clean all bedding.
  5. New toothbrushes! Toss those toothbrushes away and get new, germ-free ones.
  6. Avoid infecting other kids! Keep your child home so they can rest and not infect other children.
  7. Stay on top of the fever and sickness! Be mindful of your child’s symptoms and seek medical help if they decline, act lethargic, have a high fever, or become unresponsive.
  8. REST! Make sure your child gets plenty of rest so the body can heal quickly and properly.
  9. BRAT Diet! Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast when the tummy isnt feeling well.

I hope this list helps you when sickness strikes…I know it has helped me over the years. In the comments below, tell me some things you do when your kiddos are under the weather.


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