When Sickness Strikes the Household

It isn’t even that time of year, yet our household is battling strep throat like it may go out of business. First my middle child came down with it, now my oldest and I know it is just a matter of time before the baby is stricken with the fever and chills. Sickness with littles spreads like wildfire and it can be FRUSTRATING as a parent.

Flu Season and Kids

We have been hit! Gah-The flu bug is in full swing in our household and I have completely forgotten how terribleĀ it can truly be. It is bad enough when you, yourself have come down with the flu bug, but when it affects your kids, it’s a whole new ball game.

Keeping Kids Healthy When Germs Seem to Be Inevitable

I am one of those mommas…Yes…the ones who see another child sneeze into their hand and cringe because you know the inevitable is going to happen. You immediately rush your child to the restroom, scrub them down from head to toe and wait…wait…wait for the cold to set in a few days later. Eeek…it gives me the weebie jeebies just typing it.

Being a former teacher, I have a few tricks up my…