It is mid-summer and there are endless things to do…but somehow I hear “I’m bored…” come from my kids’ mouths. Seriously??? We just finished with what seemed like an endless winter and now that we are free to head on outside without wrapping ourselves up, we find it difficult to find things to do. Well…seek no more…I have the endless list of (6 NO FAIL) “I’m bored” activities for all ages!

  1. Reading! Break out those reading skills and start snuggling into a good book. It is also a great opportunity to sit next to your child and read with them or have them read to you. Here is a GREAT summer reading list for different age groups that we have referenced this summer as well. It is a great list for kids of all ages. We went to Barnes and Noble and entered into their summer reading club and each of my children got a free book. Just a little extra incentive to read this summer. The local library usually has a summer reading program as well.

2. Make your own popsicles. We like to make popsicles or ice cream in our house. Usually any drugstore has molds you can buy for making your own popsicles. We then grab our favorite juice (yogurt and fresh fruit work well with this too), fill the molds up, stick them in the freezer and viola! Here is a link to many different popsicle recipes:

Just grab your favorite summer recipe and have the kids help…they LOVE this!

3. CRAFT IT UP!!! Sometimes summer can bring days that are too hot and muggy to be outside or maybe its raining cats and dogs outside…so being indoors is a must. When that happens, I turn to crafting. We break out the crayons, markers, pom moms, glue, construction paper, etc. and have a blast! Sometimes I direct them on what to make, but many times I allow their creative juices to flow and they come up with some amazing creations on their own. One of the things my kids LOVE to do is directed drawing. We pull up a YouTube channel for an artist and they follow the artists directions on how to draw. I HIGHLY recommend this! Here is the link to the gentleman we like to follow when doing directed drawing:

4. Obstacle Courses!!! My Kids LOVE to come up with fun obstacle courses either inside or outside…making this activity good for sunny or rainy days. I have them do this themselves because honestly, they come up with better ideas than I do!

5. BUBBLES!!! Break out those bubble machines and tubs of bubbles and have at it! We make up games with bubbles such as whose bubble will float the longest? Who can catch their bubble with the bubble wand? Who can pop the most bubbles? etc.

6. Sidewalk Chalk. There are so many things that can be done with sidewalk chalk. Anything from hop scotch and portraits and tic tac toe.

7. Have a nighttime family campfire where you sit around, tell old stories and make s’mores. Put the electronics away and just enjoy each others company. What a great time to pull out the “Would You Rather” game and have some fun! Here is the link to the game questions you can use to play the game. This is also fun to do around the dining room table when having a meal together.

8. Geocashing! Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. … Sign the logbook and return the geocacheto its original location. Here is a video explaining geocaching:

9. Ride Bikes! Go to a park or around the neighborhood and ride bikes together as a family! We try to do this several times a week with the kids.

10. Go swimming somewhere. It could be the sprinkler in the backyard, the kiddie pool, the beach, or a large pool. Getting into the pool on a hot summer day is so refreshing!

These activities are sure to bring smiles, giggles, and fun to your summer just as they have mine! In the comments below, feel free to list some fun things your family has done this summer or plans to do to combat the “I’m Bored” blues!


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