The winter weather has FINALLY cleared, the flowers have bloomed and the days are a bit longer. What a relief! Being a momma during the winter months can seem long and tireless but being a momma in the summer when days are longer and playing is rougher can be even more trying. It’s days like those endless summer days that some fun toddler-friendly activities come in hand. I have researched Pinterest,  Googled my heart out and come up with several “go-to” activities that my toddler LOVES any time of the day. Why not share these little gems with the world because honestly, it takes a village ya’ll and there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

Golf Tee Push

Matching Objects

Bubble Wrap Runway

Puddle Jumping

One of our FAVORITE things to do after a nice spring rain. Strap on those galoshes and have at those puddles. Its great sensory for the little one and man is it fun!

Chasing Bubbles

Right now, my 18-month-old is living the life with her bubble wand and endless bubbles. More bubble solution ends up on the cement than actually making bubbles but her enthusiasm and joy make the endeavor all worth it.

Do Yard Work Together

This may seem tedious to do with a toddler but it is actually very rewarding. They LOVE helping out and getting dirty. As long as you can stand back and allow messy to enter in, you can have an extremely positive experience…and get very little yard work done…but that should be expected.


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