As the summer months start to wind down and summer is coming to a close, the bucket list of ideas is starting to dwindle and the pressure of the start of school is setting in. I get it. I try to squeeze anything out of every second of the day…knowing it will soon come to an end. As the time draws near for school shopping and getting back into a routine, here are a few more ideas to entertain the kids these last few weeks.

  1. Hit the pool a few more times before it closes for the fall. If your kids are anything like mine, they LOVE swimming and anything to do with the water. We can even put water in the water table and entertain them for hours.
  2. Last-minute trips to the zoo are always a crowd-pleaser. If you have a membership, choose one area of the zoo you typically miss and hit that for the day.
  3. Rainy day??? No problem, break out the board games, Play-Doh, and Legos for a fun-filled day. We like to do a fashion show with our Barbies using Play-Doh or break out the Clue Junior game.
  4. Make a BIG dessert and take it to your neighbors so they can enjoy. This is a BIG one in our house. we bless our neighbors with baked goods on a weekly basis. Not only is it “loving thy neighbor” but it is also teaching your kids the gift of giving and serving others.
  5. Visit family and friends. So many times throughout the school year, I don’t have time or find the time to just simply visit family and friends. Taking time for those who truly pour into your child’s life should be visited and loved on from time to time.

I pray as your summer winds down, you are able to take time to reflect on the past couple of months and find the perfect things to do with your family to make the last few weeks special. It doesn’t have to take money, it doesn’t take endless resources, it just takes your one on one time.


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