Embracing the “Different”

This little 3.5 year old has been on quite the journey…and taken my husband and I on quite the journey as well. πŸ’—

From an EXTREMELY young age (like 3 months) I knew Delise was unique and different from the β€œnorm” (whatever the heck that means πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ). Little did I know that she would transform my heart πŸ’— and help me to embrace her way of thinking, seeing the world, and loving life.

It took about 3 years for the two of us to truly β€œget” one another. I’m not speaking about loving one another…that came naturally for me as she is my precious gift from God. No, It was just, well…where I saw black and white, she sees a thousand different shades of gray.