As a momma to three little girls, it can get easy to forget your unique self; the person who you were prior to being called “Mommy.” Many times I collapse at the end of the night and wonder where “I” was during the day. Where did the time go and how am I still in my morning workout gear at 8:00 PM? It happens to the best of us and I can TOTALLY relate to the mom’s out there shaking their heads in agreement with me. It can creep in like a bandit or can steamroll right over you as you sit back and wonder what has happened in life?

It is important to note that we can all get sucked into the “busy” mom schedules and forget to take time to breathe, just breathe. Take a moment to reflect on the day, the schedule, the kids, the hubster, and of course, yourself. Sometimes I feel like we mommas feel like we are being selfish when we start the day thinking about ourselves but honestly, this is key to not losing your unique you in the midst of the chaos called “life.” I have been on both ends of the spectrum. Sway too far to the left, your selfish and sway too far to the right and you have completely lost your identity. The trick is learning the art of balance.

So how do you balance motherhood with keeping your identity? I have come up with a list of ways you can stay in equilibrium.

Take time for yourself. Sometimes that looks like getting together with friends, taking a hot bubble bath, reading a good book, meditating, exercising, etc.

Set a schedule. Schedule in your “me-time” like you would a meeting for work. Schedule in your time with your hubby and special time set aside for the kids individually.

Start your day in thought. For me, this looks like prayer but that may not be what that looks like for you. Maybe you meditate for 5 minutes prior to getting out of bed, maybe it’s journaling first thing in the morning, or maybe it is sitting with a cup of joe and listening to your inner self for a bit. All can be beneficial to getting your day started right.

Let the kids know you need some time. It’s ok to step aside for moments out of your day. When the day gets hectic and the kids are starting to “bother” you, step aside for a moment to regroup. Maybe that looks like stepping outside for a moment to chat with the neighbor or taking a hot bubble bath to soothe.

Date your husband. Set “Date Nights” and stick with them. Getting away for a bit not only shows your kids that you hold your relationship on a pedestal, but it also lets your partner know the same.

1 Comment

SEO Affiliate Program · January 30, 2020 at 3:12 pm

Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

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