It is no surprise to people when you tell them that you have a newborn at home and are lacking in the sleep department. It is a given and expected in the early stages of infancy. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to function on little to no sleep. And forget about giving attention to your other kiddos when feeding time happens every 2-3 hours and the lack of sleep has affected your ability to function.

Having a 3 week old has taken me back to the reality of…this is HARD work. Having little to no sleep really does take a toll on your emotions, hormones, attention span, etc. I wanted to share some wisdom to those maybe going through this for the first time…sleep when the baby sleeps! Sounds great but you will feel a tug at your heart to clean the house, get the laundry done, take a shower, etc. when that baby’s eyes slam shut….DON’T! Take that time to re-energize, catch up on your sleep and feel like you can once again conquer the world.

The sleepless stage lasts roughly 8-12 weeks and can really put a strain on things if you don’t acknowledge the issue of sleep deprivation. So…go get some rest and comment below how you make sure to get in enough sleep so that you can be top notch for your littles at home.


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