Being a mommy can be tough, trying and HARD. Between cleaning the house, getting everyone ready and out the door for school, working, planning and making dinner; finding time for yourself seems far from reach. Been there and done that…and I have learned through trial and error how to carve out time for myself as a busy mom.

It isn’t about squeezing out a minute or two here and there, but more about intentionally making time for YOU. At first, it may seem or even feel selfish to take time just for you but if you neglect yourself for others too long, it starts to break your spirit. Keeping the person (YOU)  in tact before “Mommy” is key to successfully feeling like your tank is always full or better yet, overflowing.

It started with my first baby…I was sooo tired and had NO IDEA what mommyhood truly meant. When I started to figure that out, I quickly was ready to run the other way…I was EXHAUSTED from always giving 100% of myself away to others whether it be my husband or my new little baby. That exhaustion had a direct effect on my physical self and spiritual self. Anyone who knew me knew I had “changed,” was less energetic, less of a free spirit. I was slowly drowning and I was trying to convince myself that this was okay, this was what I was supposed to feel in the beginning, this was what mommy’s do (they are selfless at all times and all costs)…..WRONG! I was so far from the reality and what I SHOULD be doing to make sure the well-being of the family reached us ALL!

I took action.

First I talked to my amazing husband and told him how I was feeling. He then surprised me. He actually told me I was putting all of those stereotypes on my own shoulders and that he was more than happy to take some of the responsibility as a new father! Wow, I had never thought of even trying that?!? So he started waking up with baby in the morning while I woke up in the early morning to do my daily devotional and exercise. As those new habits formed, I was amazed at the weight that lifted, allowing me to smile again. I didn’t feel like I needed to run anymore because I was putting me first every morning. Getting my tank filled first thing in the morning allowed me to give of myself to others throughout the day.

So to boil it down, here are the steps I took to fill my own tank and become a fit mommy physically and spiritually:

  1. I wake up 2 hours earlier than the rest of the family
  2. I give time to my creator…God…and thank him for the blessings in my life
  3. I head to the basement and give my body a workout (Did you know that exercise is also one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health? Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts overall mood.)
  4. I communicate with my husband regularly so he knows when my tank is getting a bit low. When this happens, he encourages me to rest or take a break and go somewhere “kidless.”
  5. I surround myself with others who are in the same boat…whether it be play groups, Bible studies, life groups, or good old coffee with my dearest friends, I make sure to not losde touch with who I am and was meant to be.
  6. I feed my body right and teach my kids the same. (While certain diets or foods may not ease depression (or put you instantly in a better mood), they may help as part of an overall treatment plan. There’s more and more research indicating that, in some ways, diet may influence mood. We don’t have the whole story yet, but there are some interesting clues.Basically the science of food’s affect on mood is based on this: Dietary changes can bring about changes in our brain structure (chemically and physiologically), which can lead to altered behavior.)

Being a “Fit Mom” isn’t just about exercising, it is about all 6 of those points working together simultaneously throughout the day to help improve mood, energy, stamina, and overall well-being. It’s about filling YOUR tank FIRST so that you have enough of yourself to give.


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