One of the things our family loves doing is celebrating any holiday…like…ANY HOLIDAY!!! What better holiday to celebrate than uplifting your father for doing an amazing job as a daddy. Father’s Day is an opportunity for me to get creative and pamper the man my girls call Daddy. The only problem I run into is being creative in different ways each and every year. For some reason it gets harder each year. Sooo…Pinterest becomes my friend every June. Here are some cute Father’s Day Gifts I have found or have done over the years that are worth sharing.

  1. 5 Things I Love About Dad: Take the opportunity to scroll it up and make the list fun to open and something that can be tucked away for future reading.

2. 10 Things I Have Learned From My Dad: What a tear jerker this would be. Take a moment to express what you have been taught from daddy and what that has meant to you.

3. Father’s Day Painted Rocks: A fun way to get creative with the littles and then place them in the garden to enjoy all year round. If you father/daddy has a green thumb, this is a must!

4. “Guess Whoooo Loves You” Card: He can keep this little gem forever and look back at those sweet kiddos he helped create.

5. Footprint Art: Take Dad’d boot and little’s one foot and superimpose them. Then place a Father’s Day poem of your choice in it, frame it, and viola! This is great artwork for your hubby’s office, workplace, or hang it somewhere in the home.

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