I’m always looking for a place to take my kids where there are endless exploring opportunities, a place to use your imagination and a place where the environment changes each time you go. 577 Foundation in Perrysburg, Ohio is just that. Anywhere from the used book sale to the fossil pile, there is endless fun Monday through Sunday 9:00 am-5:00 pm.

When you first arrive, you are greeted with an ambiance of white picket fences and a sweet farmhouse style setting with endless gardens. As you walk through the area where they give crafting classes (anywhere from clay to painting to sewing), you are welcomed by the butterfly house which then enters into the gardens. Following the gardens, they offer picture book walks, a fairy garden, rock piling/creating, a puppet theater, climbing stations, outdoor music using various nature for instruments, a tic tac toe board, organic hopscotch, a greenhouse with a scavenger hunt, a vegetable garden, treehouse, beehive exploration, fossil pile to dig in and chisel at, etc. This place seriously has it all!

Take a group of toddlers, school-agers, preschoolers, elderly, etc. to explore. This place is timeless and offers pure organic entertainment to anyone and everyone. I happen to be a play date snob and find myself at 577 weekly. There is just so much to entertain the littles.

Want to learn more, take a peek at the pictures and the link I have attached to this entry to get plugged into the different activities they offer throughout the month. https://577foundation.recdesk.com/Community/Home



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