Teachable Moments

Having a 7.5 year old, a 5 year old and a 22 month old, I feel like we are at many stages of life all at once. We have one daughter in the beggining stages of second grade, one in preschool and one learning how to navigate life in a world full of words, pictures and movement. It’s a beautiful stage, a tiring stage and an unpredictable stage.

5 Activities to Help Academically Teach Your Toddler

Sitting a toddler down to discuss colors or shapes, manners or letters is just not something that makes sense nor would they sit long enough to hear what you have to share with them. It would be a developmentally inappropriate task and failure would make you feel defeated. But, we all have that desire for our children to learn, to learn well, and to excel. That is why I have made it easy for you.

Teaching From Anywhere…

Let me preface with this is NOT a homeschooling post. This is a “If you have kids, read this” post.

When I decided to homeschool our oldest, it wasn’t an easy decision whatsoever. I had a battle going on inside me that brought many questions to the table.

Will she be well-rounded if I homeschool?

How will she be socially?

Am I equipped to get the job done right?

Will this be a frustrating experience or a pleasant one?

These questions flooded me on a daily basis until one day I just had to make the decision. Homeschooling it was! Being a former teacher, I used to roll my eyes at homeschooling moms who weren’t trained to be teachers. They didn’t the progression of how we educate kids so how could they be great at schooling their own kids?!?