Preschool at Home

Have you ever wondered if you were capable of teaching your preschooler at home? How do you teach them? Do you have them sit still and listen? What do you teach them? HOW do you teach them? How often should you teach them? Is preschool necessary? I am here to tell you that you ABSOLUTELY are capable and I am also here to answer the questions listed above for you! I will take each question and break it down for you.

Teaching Preschool to Your Littles With Materials Found in the Home

I remember feeling overwhelmed when I decided to teach my oldest preschool in our home. I was a former teacher but had sold or gotten rid of most of my teaching supplies so I felt like homeschooling would be tricky and EXPENSIVE! Over the course of several years, I have learned the art of “using what you have in the house” as a means of teaching preschool. Below are several examples of using what you have to accomplish the bigger goal. I spent not one penny on any of the activities below. I have found that making my own worksheets is actually easier than printing them off because I can tailor them to my own child’s needs and Pinterest has been KEY to academic success in household! Feel free to comment below with any questions you may have on any of the activities below. Happy (cheap) Schooling!