Keeping Kids Active in a Technology Ridden World

I believe there is a balance between kids being kids, running, playing, using their imaginations, getting together with friends, etc. and kids sitting in front of the computer, iPad, or gaming center. Just as anything in life, there should be a balance between the two. Keeping kids away from technology completely is not preparing them for the future and doesn’t give them the exposure they will need in the real world which is already technology ridden and only getting worse. On the contrary, allowing kids to play video games all day or sit on the iPad watching YouTube videos nonstop is not healthy and can actually be hurting your child in the long-run. Let’s dive into this subject a bit further…

Playing Games With Your Kids

In our house, we are in a stage where board games are a hot commodity. My girls LOVE Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Headbandz, Guess Who?, Enchanted, etc. Basically if it is a board game, we are all in! I love that we can turn the television off, relax with one another, have some good laughs and enjoy the company of being a family. I believe this art of “gaming” is transforming into an art of “video gaming.” Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for video games (we aren’t in that phase of life and probably won’t be anytime soon) but there needs to be a consistent push for parents to require “family time” on a weekly basis. If we allow kids to isolate themselves at an early age, I believe it only hinders the future relationship parents will have with their children.