8 Signs Your Baby is Ready for Baby Food

My little bundle of joy is almost 6 months old and I just remembered the doctor telling me that I should be trying cereal or first baby foods between the ages of 4 and 6 months. Oops! So I frantically ran to the grocery store, bought some rice cereal, and mixed it with formula to “try” what I should have already started. What I quickly realized is little Miss Tawny is NOT ready for foods. This started to alarm me and I decided to do some research about baby food readiness. What I found to be the “norm” boils down to 5 characteristics your infant will display letting you know they are ready to move beyond formula and/or breast milk.

Breastfeeding 101

Being a mommy of 3 beautiful little girls, you would think that I have this whole “breastfeeding thing” down pat but the truth of the matter is it has all recently just clicked with my last daughter who is now 5 months old. My advice to any new mother…take as many breastfeeding classes that you possibly can. What seems like should come instinctively as a woman/mommy, actually comes with great frustration and angst for some.

Breastfeeding…It’s What’s for Dinner!

Prior to giving birth to my third daughter, I had made the decision to attempt breast feeding once again. In the past, breastfeeding came very “UN-naturally” to me and by the third month of my first and second daughter’s life, my milk supply had all but diminished. I found breastfeeding frustrating, painful, and difficult. I truly believe my attitude around breastfeeding is what either made my experience a success or a failure. So this time around I have made it my mission to embrace the messy, focus on keeping it simple, and feed this baby like my life depended on it…or die trying.