What’s Next?

“What’s next?”

I heard Annora say that throughout Christmas and I was getting a little annoyed. I kept reminding myself that she is a little one and the excitement has been building for quite a while…just breath mom…

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes that the Kids will LOVE!

As a momma, I am ALWAYS trying to keep our meals as clean as possible. Making sure to get in all of the food groups can prove to be tricky at times and keeping the sweets to a minimum (especially since we have Halloween candy galore right now) can be almost impossible. I have spent several hours and countless experiments in the kitchen to “clean” it all up (by clean I mean nothing processed). Since Delise is our beautiful little one who has proven to be a bit tricky, we have tried to take out as much processed anything as possible (another topic for another day).

I thought it fitting that I blog about creating a healthy, unprocessed Thanksgiving meal that everyone will LOVE. The flavors are rich and the meal is as healthy as it can get. You won’t feel guilty stuffing yourself and then laying on the couch to “sleep it off” with these recipes.


One thing I have learned about myself…I am NOT the gourmet chef I always wished I would/could be! In fact, my brothers got the “cooking” gene in our family…GO FIGURE! I am a recipe girl and LOVE new recipes. You could say I am NOT one of those people that Read more…

“Can you PLEASE eat your veggies?!?”

Since when does my almost 4.5 year old decide she doesn’t want anything to do with veggies?

I heard time and time again…make sure to give them veggies when they are young so they will love them when they are older! I took this advice and ran with it. Always giving Annora veggies with every meal and for every snack…until 4 years hit and everything changed…I mean EVERYTHING!