How to Get Your Picky Eater to Eat

f you have a child who has limited his or her food choices to pasta with white sauce you may be dealing with a picky eater. When a toddler or young child refuses to eat certain foods or entire food groups, it is called ‘picky eating’. It is not unusual for a young child to turn up their nose at foods especially when they are experiencing a food for the first time.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Does it seem like you have a war going on in your family—with you on one side, and your kids on the other? Many parents feel like they live in the middle of a battle zone and that at any given moment they might step on a landmine. Maybe you have a teen who is disrespectful and says rude and insulting things to you. Perhaps you have a child who won’t stop badgering you and fights with you when you set limits. Maybe your preteen insists on having the final word on everything and puts you down all the time. Or it could be that you, like many parents, feel like your kids act entitled and ungrateful and take advantage of you—and it drives you crazy.

Parent Podcasts You Won’t Want to Miss

As a parent, it can be hard to raise little ones without any guidance or someone telling you what to do in certain circumstances. I know I wish my children would have come with a little instruction manual when departing from the hospital. I have researched the best parent podcasts to make your life that much easier when faced with parental uncertainties.

Behavior Concerns with My Child With Disabilities

You might be weary of trips to the grocery store that end in screaming, or heartbroken that your child does not know what to do at a playground. But things do not always have to be this way. The road to improving behaviors starts with believing that your child – no matter what their behavior looks like now – can change with the right support and knowledge. An important first step for parents of children with disabilities is to understand why behavior problems are happening in the first place.

How to Serve Others with Your Child

Bake some treats for your neighbors

This has to be my favorite–and one we will definitely be doing again this year. Last year, Little Girl and I baked banana bread for our neighbors, but this year I think we may make an assortment of treats, like pumpkin spice donut holes, healthy chocolate peanut butter fudge, coconut-cranberry peanut butter truffles and my triple chocolate peanut butter truffles from the Healthy Holidays eBook. We like to attach a Bible verse proclaiming Christ’s birth.

Last year, we delivered the bread on a rare white Christmas morning, and it was a blast getting to know our neighbors (most of whom invited us inside!).

The Child Safety Harness

Let’s talk about the child safety harness. I have three girls and have been in situations where I feel like they are all 3 going in different directions and I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed and in over my head…and a child harness would be ideal. But on the other hand, sometimes the thought of one makes me uneasy. Talking about child leashes is like talking about political parties. Parents are either strongly for or strongly against them.

Teaching Manners in Toddlers

Your two-year-old is being complimented by your neighbor and when they have given the compliment, your child sticks their tongue out at them. Or how about this one…Your three-year-old is at the dinner table and doesn’t like dinner so s/he throws their plate of food on the floor. If either of these sound remotely familiar, you are not alone and the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel if you just look for it.