Lately all I have been hearing about is this “new” concept of STEM that involves kids’ and their  learning.

So  what is STEM?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math and is hands-on learning that applies to the world around us. STEM builds and teaches creativity, problem solving, life skills, ingenuity, resourcefulness, patience and curiosity. STEM is what shapes the future as our world grows and changes. STEM is everywhere and in everything we do and how we live. From the natural world around us to the tablets in our hands that show us the world far, far away. STEM builds inventors!

Wow…so that is A LOT of good piled into one little acronym right?!?

If you are anything like myself, you want to expose your children to as much educational output as possible. My oldest daughter loves the arts and struggles with math. Her interest in it is strong because she is still very young so I am taking full advantage of it and exposing her to as many areas of math and science that I can. Getting it into your head that your child struggles with a certain subject matter (ie math, science, reading, etc.) can either help you help them or allow you to place them into a box of “they aren’t good at that subject.” Let’s focus on helping them.

They may never end up mastering the area they struggle in, but being proactive and exposing them to their weaknesses to make them less intimidating is key to helping them become lifelong learners.

I have done the hard part for you and found many different resources and sites that give amazing ideas and lessons in STEM. No use in reinventing the wheel when the wheel is perfect the way it is. Enjoy and HAPPY LEARNING!



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