Have you ever read this book?

"Someday" by Alison Meghee & Peter H. Reynolds

“Someday” by Alison Meghee & Peter H. Reynolds

I SERIOUSLY cry…maybe SOB…EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I read this book to the girls. In fact…it takes SUPER MOMMY STRENGTH to actually get through the whole book.

I read this book (among MANY) to the girls today and then we went on a wagon ride through the neighborhood, I turned around and thought about that book again.

The girls enjoying their ride...and Mommy too!

The girls enjoying their ride…and Mommy too!

“Someday” my girls will be too old to go on a wagon ride, too old to play in a sandbox, too old to swing on a swing set, too old to let me give them a bath and comb their wet hair so that it’s parted juuuussst right, too old to squeeze me around the neck soooooo tight they don’t want to let go and just lay their head on my shoulder, too old for me to be their entire world (along with Benny of course).

“Someday” I will be witnessing these things as a grandmother…seeing my daughters become mommies…and I can’t help but smile (and cry).

Why, right???!!!???

Because I am there every step of their little day…every day! I wipe their tears, I teach them right from wrong, I play Barbies for the 2 millionth time, I act out every Disney princess movie to the absolute best of my ability, I see my girls grow before my eyes, I get to sit at the lunch table and talk about who they want to be when they get older, and who God is to their little minds! Today…the discussion at lunch was the meaning of “Amen!” We got out the trusted iPhone and did a little research. I know the meaning and can probably explain in Annora’s terms, but this was a moment for investigation and discovery. Have you ever just allowed your child to come to their own conclusion based on their own research? It is beautiful! A simple YouTube video did a nice job explaining, a cartoon illustration was next followed by my verbalization of Webster’s dictionary definition. When all was said and done, Annora simply said…”So it means truly?”

Of course my response was, “What a great word to describe Amen!”

Even though it was straight from the dictionary that I read aloud to her, she now believes she came up with that word on her own…and believe me, she will remember it! 

This life is FAST. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life…I absolutely do. BUT…there is no replacement for time…none! Choose how you spend your time and spend it WISELY. Once it’s gone…it is GONE!

Annora hopped out to eat her snack at the neighbors awesome tree...and I went with it...why not right!?!

Annora hopped out to eat her snack at the neighbors awesome tree…and I went with it…why not right!?!

Categories: Family Time


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